The Real World

The Real World
The Real World is a reality television series that focuses on the lives of a group of strangers who audition to live together in a house for several months, as cameras record their interpersonal relationships. The Real World show moves to a different city each season. Each year, seven strangers in their twenties, from different backgrounds and countries, are chosen to come live together in a major city.

Most Recent Episode: The Real World Season 32 Episode 12: Bad Blood No More (Air Date: 1/4/2017)

Premiere Date: May 21, 1992
Air Time: 10pm
Country: US
Air Day: Wednesday
Labels: watch the real world series online
Season 32: Seattle Episodes

Watch video clips & trailers

Real World: Go Big or Go Home | Official Trailer | MTV

Real World: Go Big or Go Home | Official Trailer | MTV

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