
Phoneshop is a comedy series that follows Christopher who has just started at the PhoneShop and he’s got one day to impress his new colleagues. PhoneShop is a British sitcom that was first broadcast on Channel 4 as a television pilot on 13 November 2009, as part of the channel's Comedy Showcase season of comedy pilots. It was then followed by a six-episode series that was commissioned on E4 and broadcasting began on 7 October 2010.

Most Recent Episode: PhoneShop Season 3 Episode 6: (Air Date: 8/29/2013)

Premiere Date: October 7, 2010
Casts: Martin Trenaman, Javone Prince, Emma Fryer, Andrew Brooke, Tom Bennett
Air Time: 10pm
Country: GB
Air Day: Thursday
Labels: watch phoneshop series online

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