
“Brickleberry” is an animated series that follows the misadventures of a motley crew of national park forest rangers. When their fledgling park faces disclosure, a new ranger is enlisted to whip everyone into shape and save the park. The series is being executive produced by Daniel Tosh along with comedians Waco O’Guin and Roger Black, who wrote and created the series. In addition to Tosh’s helming duties, he’ll voice the part of Malloy, a tiny brown bear. Brickleberry National Park is facing closure, but not if the park’s dysfunctional park rangers can help it! “Brickleberry,” an animated half-hour series, follows the crazy bunch of park rangers as they do their worst to keep the park running. Steve (David Herman) has been “Ranger of the Month” every month for years, so he feels threatened when Ethel (Natasha Leggero) is transferred from Yellowstone National Park to help whip the park into shape. Connie (Roger Black) and Denzel (Jerry Minor) are two unique rangers that each bring special skills (or in Denzel’s case, lack of skills) to the job, and Woody (Tom Kenny) is the hapless Head Ranger who puts nothing above his beloved park, except his adopted bear cub, Malloy (Daniel Tosh), who he’s taken in and spoils to death.

Most Recent Episode: Brickleberry Season 3 Episode 13: Global Warning (Air Date: 4/14/2015)

Premiere Date: September 25, 2012
Casts: Daniel Tosh, Kaitlin Olson, Roger Black, David Herman, Tom Kenny, Jerry Minor, Natasha Leggero
Air Time: 10:30 PM
Country: US
Air Day: Tuesday
Labels: watch brickleberry series online

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Welcome to Brickleberry

Welcome to Brickleberry

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