Set in the breath-taking coast of Ireland, Bad Sisters follows the lives of the Garvey sisters, who are bound together by the premature death of their parents and a promise to always protect one another. The tight-knit Garvey sisters have always looked out for each other. When their brother-in-law winds up dead, his life insurers launch an investigation to prove malicious intent – and set their sights on the sisters, all of whom had ample reason to kill him.
The tight-knit Garvey sisters have always looked out for each other. When their brother-in-law winds up dead, his life insurers launch an investigation to prove malicious intent—and set their sights on the sisters, all of whom had ample reason to kill him.
Sharon Horgan, Anne-Marie Duff, Eve Hewson, Eva Birthistle, Sarah Greene, Claes Bang, Brian Gleeson, Daryl McCormack, Assaad Bouab, Saise Ní Chuinn
Air Time:
12:00 am
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lesbian relationship
dark comedy
insurance investigator
death of parent
sister sister relationship
based on tv series
cheating husband
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