
Awake (previously titled as REM) is a fantasy crime drama television series that stars Jason Isaacs, Dylan Minnette, Laura Allen, B. D. Wong, Cherry Jones, Michaela McManus, Steve Harris, and Wilmer Valderrama. It follows the life of Police detective Michael Britten (Jason Isaacs) who regains consciousness after a car accident involving his wife Hannah (Laura Allen) and his son Rex (Dylan Minnette). Michael moves back and forth between two realities: In one, Rex survived while Hannah is dead; in the other, Hannah survived but Rex did not. Trying to keep both his loved ones alive, Michael starts living a “double life,” moving back and forth between the two realities, dealing with different personal conflicts and police partners. He also starts noticing strange links between the two realities. Michael lives in two separate realities after a car accident. In one reality, his wife Hannah survives the accident; in the other reality, his son Rex survives. Michael does not know which reality is "real", and uses the wristbands to differentiate the two. He sees two therapists: Dr. Jonathan Lee in the "red reality" and Dr. Judith Evans in the "green reality". At work, Michael's erratic behavior triggers clashes with his team; they do not know about Michael's uncanny ability to solve crimes using details from both realities.

Most Recent Episode: Awake Season 1 Episode 13: Turtles All the Way Down (Air Date: 5/24/2012)

Premiere Date: March 1, 2012
Casts: Jason Isaacs, Laura Allen, Steve Harris, Wilmer Valderrama, Dylan Minnette, B.D. Wong, Cherry Jones, Michaela McManus
Air Time: 10pm
Country: US
Air Day: Thursday
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