A British adventure-fantasy series that is inspired by the Greek mythology. It centers with the strange and ancient city of Atlantis where a world of bull leaping, of reptile haired goddesses and of palaces so vast it was said they were built by giants. Young Jason arrives in the city and a magical adventure begins. Stars Robert Emms, Mark Addy, Juliet Stevenson, Sarah Parish, Jack Donnelly, Jemima Rooper and Oliver Walker.
Atlantis survivor Mark Harris breathes underwater, withstands extreme depth pressures and wields superhuman strength.
Aiysha Hart, Mark Addy, Jack Donnelly, Robert Emms, Sarah Parish, Juliet Stevenson, Jemima Rooper, Thomas Coombes, Jimmy Johnston, Robert Pugh, Amy Manson, Vincent Regan, Peter de Jersey, Josef Altin