Narrated by Nick Offerman, American Rock Stars follows John Shuster and his team of self-described \”scrappy regular guys from Middle America\” as they prepare to defend their gold medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics. The series, directed by Sports Emmy Award-winner Scott Boggins, goes behind the scenes with the team that stole the hearts of America in 2018 and rocketed the sport of curling to a new level of fame. Anchored by the team’s captain, John Shuster, the series shows a new side to each of the team members – Matt Hamilton, Chris Plys and John Landsteiner – from their small-town roots all the way to the dramatic trials.
Nick Offerman narrates an all-access series following the defending gold medalist men's curling team as they represent the United States at the 2022 Winter Olympics. A group of regular guys with small-town roots relives their memorable gold medal run from 2018, when they went from relative obscurity to worldwide fame. The documentary tells the personal stories of skip John Shuster, the anchor of the squad, and each team member. From their unlikely success in Pyeongchang to the challenge of fending off an upstart team of rivals at the Olympic trials, it's a feel-good story of how a team of self-described rejects tries to overcome challenges and the pressure to reach the pinnacle of their sport one more time.